S  mC edn  e4

Events Elsewhere

Events Elsewhere









Constitution of City of Derry & District Horticultural Society from 20.02.2014

1. The Society is called City of Derry & District Gardening Society.

2. The aim of the Society is to encourage gardening and an awareness of ecological and environmental issues in the City & District.

3. Members and visitors will pay subscriptions, the amounts to be agreed at the AGM.

4. There shall be a committee consisting of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Treasurer, Show Secretary, and five other members. Five members shall constitute a quorum.

5. Officers and committee will be elected at the AGM , which will be held each year in the month of January. The committee then elected shall be responsible for the programme for the following session. (September - April )

6. The committee will be responsible for arranging the activities of the Society, safe keeping of cups and other property of the Society, and will ensure proper accounts are kept. Accounts shall be kept in a bank approved by the committee, in the name of the Society. Money raised will be used to further the aims of the Society as decided by the committee.

7. The committee will set up sub committees and /or appoint members for specific purposes as it will think necessary from time to time and may co-opt members to fill vacancies.

8. The business of the AGM will be as follows:-


     Minutes of the last AGM

     Report on the proceedings of the past year

     Treasurer’s report and fixing of subscription

     Chairman’s remarks

     Election of Officers & committee

     Appointment of Auditor



          20 February 2014
