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Events Elsewhere



Our evening meetings normally start at 7:30 p.m. at St Columbs’ Park House, doors open 7:15

Notes for speakers and projectionists:

The society has public-address equipment to supplement normal speaking if desired.

If you can state the ideal distance from your projector to the screen, we can arrange for the seating to accommodate that before you set up.  

Please communicate with honorary secretary Mrs Joan Winters, NI 7181 0890, or her deputy Mr Alan Hamilton, NI 7134 4394.                           CLOSE by clicking here -->                           

15 October 2020


(Wouldn’t you like to join in?)

We are using the web-site to share ideas and items through words and pictures connected with gardens or gardening, whether admirable or amusing, worthy or trivial. In this way we can keep in touch with each other as widely as possible and make the most of our garden experiences while meeting is restricted.

If you haven’t already done so, would you please send us a photograph of any garden subject taken since Easter 2019, including a little information about it?

The scope of the Idea-Pools is really quite wide, and although other gardeners’ photos alone can give rise to questions that may lead you to a different way of doing things, it can be really helpful to share in writing about problems you have experienced, and how they have been tackled - or  avoided. Almost every day I see what looks like a disaster - a fine upright conifer of which the top is already hidden by a vigorous ivy, or a sitting-room window in deep shade because an evergreen shrub wasn’t tackled years ago. If through our web-site Pools you would just re-tell your own experiences and how you have dealt with problems, you could be saving somebody frustration, trouble or expense.  I still don’t know an ideal way to suppress moss in a lawn, or to prevent weeds rooting in rough-topped tarmac - do you? Have you got other problems that need better solutions than you know, or can afford?

Another thing worth sharing is which species and varieties have done well for you: information eventually destined for one of our know-how topics can helpfully be shared quickly through an Idea-Pool.

 Either send by email to mailbox@derryhortsoc.org or else phone using 075 948 15155 to discuss with Syd Harrod.

The Idea-Pools