Introduction to Using The Members’ Know-How Section

 The MEMBERS KNOW-H0W SECTION exists for members to contribute to one another anything  helpful, specially things of lasting interest. The Section will expand to as many pages as necessary.  Please simply e-mail your ideas, hints, sketches and whatever else you fancy to your webmaster at

There is a contents display further down this page that has a ‘3D’ button for each major topic covered by members' contributions.  As your cursor passes across each button, additional information about the topic will appear, then disappear. To reach the page that deals with the topic, just click the button.

To leave a topic page, click its purple menu-button marked ‘Contents’ to see information about the other Know-How Pages, or click any blue menu-button to leave the Know-How Section altogether.

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 Please do not miss the “How To Use the Idea-Pools” panel,  located at the foot of this page.

How To Use the Idea-Pools

Rescuing a Rhodo from underground attack

Posted by: Sydney in May 2013.

Panel 21

Winston compiled and illustrated this feature on how to identify male and female holly plants, and on holly propagation, in October 2014.

Panel 19

Our first item on pruning and shaping plants consisted of three photos illustrating the “Chelsea Chop”, contributed by Margot in October 2014  

Panel 11

“How to Invite Butterflies” & “Bee Kind” (to bees) Sydney based on The Garden articles and books in Feb 2015.

Panel 12

Latest additions 21 Nov 2015

Sydney and Kay in May ‘15

Sydney in Mar ‘15

Ann N in Mar ‘15:(Monkshood)

Sydney Feb ‘15 entered notes from the former web-log.

Panel 9

First choice made in January 2016 - books.  Treasurer now has the resultant donation.

Panel 10

2nd draft, with better layout, covers trees,  big shrubs, and smaller shrubs that have all thrived in this district. In March 2016 Azaleas were added, as was a check-list to assist in choosing which favourites you should send in for inclusion.

Panel  7

As Item One in our Growing Food series, Alan Hamilton has given us a nice concise summary of his experience of growing apple trees in the Foyle valley over 15 years, with specific advice about the sorts that do well here.


Danny McLaughlin spoke and demonstrated on Choosing Plants for us on November 17th, 2016: Click the Advice button  (left) to see a selection from his words of wisdom.

Panel 23

   from 2017-8 Meetings:

Joy Caskie:

 Country Style Gardening;

Sir Bob Salisbury:

Habitat Restoration;

Elma McDowell:

        all about Fuchsias.

Panel 24

04 May 2020


   Weed Control


Sexing Hollies


and Shaping


  Food Plants

 For Wild Life

 Plants to             Beware Of


Trees and Shrubs


Choose and Donate



  Fresh Advice on  Gardening Topics  



Fruit & Vegetables

Interesting Talks

List of Topics:


Any pooling of ideas and knowledge is sure to be rather informal and adjustable as we learn how to make the most of it.  Hopefully, ours will become a source of gardening help, based on things we are trying out, or have already learned, or have just come across. Each fresh contribution will have a date, the name of the sender or author, and a subject or title.  It will consist of words or picture(s) or both. It may soon attract additions, each having its own date and name but keeping to the original title.  I will add as many pages as required; Pool 1; Pool2; etc., and keep an index up to date, labelling it Pool X.  A good place to start … …


Pool Index