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22 May 2020

Tulips have been a success story for everyone this year. Very pleased with this group of white flowers

 07/May/2020  / Alan Hamilton /

White Tulips

You managed to get them a good dark background very nicely, Alan.

I wonder - were they new bulbs?

S. H.     

16 May 2020 / Alan Hamilton /

A Tall Seedling

The Echium was over 6 ft on March 26, and will probably reach over 8 ft. It is beginning to flower with little purple flowers. Margo gave me it as a 6” seedling 2 yrs ago and said it came from the Canary Islands. I didn’t think it would survive the cold wet winters in Newbuildings but to my surprise it did. It stands beside an apple tree - they have flowered extremely well.


This crab apple (Malus ‘John Downie’)  blossom was just opening on April 23rd.

 It does well in heavy soil and is trouble free. I had a ‘Golden Hornet’ many years ago, but it tended to have  apple scab.

 07/May/2020 /Lena Wray /  Blooming in April

Our Camassia simply arrived in the garden !  I know it is a bulb. Before we bought this house the neighbours dumped their

 grass cuttings here,

so did it come as a seed?

Height : 70 cm

Flowers:  May to end June

Photo: April 27th, 2020

Possibly Camassia leichtlinii ssp suksdorfii Coerulea Group, that is the strain that we had at The Cross - S.H.

Our Clematis alpina  ‘Pink Flamingo’ is covered in flowers on April 23rd. It can be grown in sun or shade. It is prolific because it  is fed once a year and compost is put round it. We haven't pruned it yet, as we want it to grow over a large terrace and lack of pruning doesn't seem to affect its flowering.

Height : 2 to 2.5 m

Flowers: April & May