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30 November 2020

  01/10/2020 / Kay Atherton /  “Out Of Season”

The deciduous Azaleas are usually rather coy in Autumn, although many are valued for their leaf colours, but this year Kay has had this wonderful display and the perfume to  go with it: “Azalea luteum, putting out spring flowers in Autumn. The (red) Kaffir Lily and the white Hydrangea in the background extend into autumn anyway”.

Although this Viburnum has its autumn leaves it is throwing out spring flowers!”…Its autumn outfit is certainly very impressive this year, and from a higher viewpoint the flowers would be noticed all the way up.

In Pool 15 I mentioned that our lovely ten-foot high japanese maple had produced a lot of seed: some wee  creatures must be grateful: they have taken it all!

I still have a few copies of the 2020/1 catalogue from Roger Parsons Sweet Peas to give away:  early winter is a good time to make choices for Spring sowing,  so do phone me for a copy.

Mob. 44/0/7594815155

 Roger lists all kinds of Sweet Pea (tall  and short, early and late) and several other easy Lathyrus species, annuals and perennials, as well as  more Irish-bred Sweet Pea varieties than any other seed firm.

P.S.  I have also acquired some sorts in a rare mixture to pass on to an adventurous gardener.  Just ask!     S.H.

  03/09/2020 / John Keys /  “Through the Trees”

Now, at Winter’s doorstep, I feel sure I should place the outstanding Keys talents to delight you with these three  snapshots of their Summer, bright even tho’  2020 .  Ed.

June’s exciting peep at a sunny liilac pink Delphinium gives way to a calmer rose-pink climber framing a last look - it’s the 11th of July - at the crimson Rhododendron.

By early August all’s steady and secure: Rose in command!

~19/11/2020 / Liam Greene /  Autumn Shades”

In Pool  13 we saw these May colours, focusing on the red Azaleas: now in November the

purple Maples are red.