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30 June 2020

The tree trunks are not far from the southside boundary of Andrew and Daphne’s hillside garden.  This path leads homeward from the high woodland area. Its margin is underplanted with a fine balance of low-growing shrubs and herbaceous perennials.

A few steps to the right take you to a small stream banked with another rich assortment including bulbs:

Did you recognise the picture is a wide-format version of the lower view on Pool 2? (The outline of the trunk in front of R Foyle may have given it away). These 3 pictures were taken 52 weeks earlier, on May 10,  2018

 22/05/’20 / Daphne McCartney / Home via South side

    29/06/2020 / Liam Greene / My Favourite Camellia

The left side, on April 16 at 8 pm.     The right side, on April 22 at 10:30 am.

April 9

The left side one week later, on April 23 at18:30.

A neighbour’s cat seems to like my Camellia that flowers over three or four months, with a lovely balance of flowers and foliage.  The close-up is of the first to open this year.

The evening pictures with the foliage looking dark green show the flowers superbly.  Blooms are less noticeable where the mid-morning sunlight catches the foliage. By June it is in full sunlight and doesn’t look so dark, but is still flowering very well: -

The front view, five weeks later still, on June 01 at 20:30.

Any Camellia that flowers for nearly three months is Special, and one that looks so good as this one does throughout that time is Extra Special.                Liam.